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ACGAE LTD. Data Analytics & Business Intelligence

 Use data analytics to bring evidence-based insights for your business through effective predictive analytics, data visualisation techniques andWe believe the data analytics is the future of everything. Big
automated batch reporting. Efficient Business Intelligence is what we have to offer in order to provide guidance for large-scale business decisions and help your business achieve significant savings.datavisualisation
and machine learning is currently the fastest growing industry in the world, as they massively help organisations become more competitive in their sector, whether it is Sports or Travel, by being able to identify key insights and develop better strategies. 
ACGAE Ltd. offer data discovery service that guides data exploration, automates predictive analytics and enables dashboard and data visualisationcreation that will help your business achieve realistic success, growth and significant savings. 

specialise in Sports, particularly in Football. Through real-time statistics and integrated internal & external datasets, we help Football Clubs' Performance & Scouting departments better analyse player performances to get explore the deep-lying insights and also discover talents at a young age before they get popular within the football industry. 


ACGAE LTD. Data Analytics & Business Intelligence
114 Stockwell Road, London, SW9 9HR

+44 (0) 785 265 2200


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