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Derman is Looking for Chief Executive Officer

We are looking for an enthusiastic and dedicated Chief Executive Officer

Salary: £43,059 pa - Full-time Derman provides a range of health related services including health advocacy,

mental health and welfare advice to Kurdish, Turkish and Cypriot Turkish people.

Derman is a medium size fast developing charity for the last thirty years with over 25 staff.

Derman has an excellent reputation with the local Kurdish, Turkish and Cypriot Turkish communities as well as being respected by health professionals.

The new Chief Executive Officer will lead the organisation into its next development phase.

Applicants will need proven experience of managing an organisation or large team at a senior level and evidence of success in developing a service, working in a complex environment.

You will need to speak English and Turkish. Speaking Kurdish (Kurmanci) would be a great advantage.

The post is subject to a DBS check. Derman strives to be:

-Community Led and Community Based

- Inclusive: We provide a service at no cost and accessible to all regardless of ethnicity, political or religious background.

- Professional: the best possible service in the most effective way

- Responsive: responding sensitively to the communities we serve.

- Caring: committed to providing a caring services.

You can request the application pack from [email protected]

Closing date: 5PM on 26th February 2021 Interviews will be held on 19th March 2021 Only those short-listed will be informed of the result.

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