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Wood Green'de HOSH Güzellik Merkezi

One of the most impressive and effective treatments we have ever seen, Soprano ICE laser hair removal is a true breakthrough in permanent hair reduction. By combining advanced cooling technology and Gold Standard laser techniques, you can benefit from painless, effective long term hair reduction. With clinical results that outperform other global hair reduction treatments.

But that’s not all – Soprano ICE is designed especially for those with dark and tanned skin; very sensitive skin and light or very fine hair. Client feedback has been so fantastic that a Soprano ICE session is also known as the “Pain-Free, Hair Free Experience”. If you’re looking for a way to remove hair painlessly, don’t miss out on a session of this brilliant treatment with affordable packages for everyone.


3a Station Road 
N22 6UY

Phone: (0208) 888 8880

Email: [email protected]

Mon - Weds: 9.00am - 7.00pm
Thu - Sat: 9.00am - 8.00pm
Sun: 10.00am - 6.00pm

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